13 DIY Holiday projects to make every part of the home merry and bright

Who knew adding a touch of festivity could be so easy

Decorating your home for the holidays doesn’t have to break the bank or exhaust your time and effort. Take it from the nifty crafters behind these joyful DIYs who prove just how simple and affordable it can be to make your own festive decor. From merry faux trees to crafty gift wrapping supplies, we’ve gathered the ultimate list of DIY projects perfect for the holiday season.

1. Toy car Christmas wreath

​Got any old toy cars laying around? Chelsea Foy of lifestyle blog Lovely Indeed proves just how easy it can be to turn unused items into stunning decor pieces fit for any home. Using a gold hoop, floral wire, mini craft trees and presents, faux tree branches, a vintage toy car and ribbon, Foy created a chic wreath that brings a touch of festivity wherever it resides.

2. Painted wood ornaments

Whether you’re feeling frugal or just want to pass time with a simple holiday craft, these DIY wooden ornaments are the perfect project for you to try this holiday season. Much like Brittni Mehlhoff details on her blog Paper & Stitch, all you’ll need for the DIY are wooden craft ornaments (you can choose any shape you prefer!), paint and sealant. 

Simply paint the ornaments with whichever colours and designs fit your holiday aesthetic and then seal your work of art with a coat of clear sealer—yeah, it’s really that easy!

3. Wooden Christmas tree

There have been many ripple effects from the ongoing climate crisis and perhaps one of the most upsetting for the holiday season is a shortage of real and faux Christmas trees. Fortunately, if you’re not able to get your hands on a tree this year, Francesca Stone of ​​Fall for DIY has a solution.

Using wooden dowels and a painted glass jar, Stone created a minimalistic wooden tree that is still able to be decorated with all sorts of jolly ornaments.

4. Printable minimalist gift tags

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Does anyone else love the holiday season simply because of the fact that you can go above and beyond when it comes to wrapping presents? Okay, maybe just us. And we’ll absolutely be trying these printable gift tags that are oh-so-aesthetically pleasing by Molly Madfis of Almost Makes Perfect, who designed the peach tags with sweet festive sayings.

5. Gingerbread village table centrepiece

Here’s another printable craft that comes with a very short materials list, just brown cardstock paper, chalk markers and hot glue. The gingerbread houses are to be printed on the cardstock, cut with scissors (and an exacto knife for the small window details), decorated to your likings with chalk and finally glued together with a hot glue gun. 

Whether you make these little houses the stars of your holiday dinner as Sarah Kate Price of Oh Happy Day did, or as decor atop a fireplace mantel, these houses make festive additions all around the home.

6. Painted festive tea towels with stencils

Keep them or gift them—these decorated tea towels are a chic DIY craft that is budget-friendly and super easy to whip together on a whim. For the project, Rachel Mae Smith of The Crafted Life enlisted the help of premade stencils, foam paint brushes and acrylic paint.

However, if you plan on washing your tea towels, it may be worthwhile to pick up fabric paint which will prove much more permanent than acrylic. 

7. Gingerbread house doormat

Give your guests a hint of the festivities to come once they step inside your home with a super sweet gingerbread house-inspired doormat ready to greet them at the door. ​​Cat Meschia of Ctrl + Curate created the adorable DIY with a coir doormat and acrylic paint. So simple and so chic, right?

8. Printable Christmas tree doodle wrapping paper

More gift wrapping supply DIYs never hurt anybody, especially this printable Christmas tree wrapping paper. The design was created from a simple tree doodle by Amy Kim of Homey Oh My and can be printed on virtually any paper. How cute!

9. Sticker ornaments

Yup, it’s just as it sounds—these holiday tree ornaments are indeed made out of flexible, 2D stickers and they add elegance to any tree they inhabit. Don’t believe me? Take a look at my Christmas tree in all its Harry Styles glory.

Instead of piercing a hole through the stickers themselves (I actually plan on reusing them someday), I taped a small, square piece of paper onto their backs and threaded a ribbon through to hold up each sticker to the tree. It was so easy and worked perfectly for my tree.

10. Bold stockings

Give your existing holiday stockings a bold facelift with iron-on embroidered letters that spell out all the adorable holiday puns your brain can whip up. Just take a look at all the clever sayings Kelly Mindel of  Studio DIY was able to create. 

11. Bath bomb ornaments inspired by The Grinch

Adorable decor and a relaxing spa gift, these ornaments that double as bath bombs are the best of both worlds. Gift them or keep them for yourself, the choice is totally yours! Check out the DIY on Shrimp Salad Circus.

12. Neutral-coloured advent calendar garland

What do you do if you’re looking to create minimalist holiday decor that’s also super functional? Well, if you’re anything like Caitlin Kruse of The Mama Notes, you’d DIY a beaded garland that also serves as an advent calendar. There’s nothing better than counting down the days to Christmas in style.

13. Suspended branch Christmas tree

For those who may not have been able to score a Christmas tree, or simply don’t have space for one in their home, Geneva Vanderzeil of Collective Gen has the perfect solution. Using tree branches of varying sizes, she was able to create a 2D tree secured onto a wall that can still be decorated and adorned with a shining star.

Feature Image Courtesy of Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

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